Have you tried this trendy twist on classic oatmeal pancakes? You can whip up these American pancakes in just a few minutes, perfect for enjoying with friends or family! Who's up for brunch?


8 tbsp XAVIES' Nuts Seeds Granola

4 tbsp whole wheat flour

4 ripe bananas

4 eggs

2 splashes of milk of your choice

(coconut) oil


Start by grinding the granola into a powder. You can easily do this with a blender or immersion blender in a tall container. Then, add the remaining ingredients - except for the coconut oil - to the blender. Mix until smooth batter forms.

Take a large frying pan and melt a little coconut oil. Cook 2 to 3 small pancakes at a time. With this amount of batter, you can make about 15 small pancakes. They can be easily stored in the refrigerator for several days in a sealed container.

Serve the pancakes with fresh fruit, extra granola as topping, and optionally some honey or agave syrup. Enjoy!