For the salad:
1 avocado
200g smoked salmon
frisée lettuce (can also be served with arugula)
a bunch of radishes
1/2 cucumber (use a peeler to make strings of cucumber)
broad beans
Sandra's Turmeric Quinoa Granola
For the dressing:
2 tablespoons of whole Greek yogurt
juice of 1/2 Lime
2 sprigs of Dill, finely chopped<
2 sprigs of Mint, finely chopped
Pepper and salt
Stone the avocado and cut into thin strips.
Use a peeler to make long strings of cucumber.
Cut the radishes into thin slices. Spread the salad and the salmon on a plate, add the radish, the avocado and the cucumber. Mix all the dressing ingredients and spread over the salad.
Finish with a few sprigs of fresh dill. Add the turmeric Quinoa Granola before serving for an extra crunch!